domingo, 21 de enero de 2018


My first english interview to greek cosplayer Lethiel

1.- What is your cosplay name origin?
So, my cosplay alias is “Lethiel’s Art & Cosplay”. The name “Lethiel” belongs to an original character of mine, who appears in a book I’ve been planning to write for years :P Lethiel in my book is an elf, and because I liked her name I chose it for my cosplay alias!

2.- What was your first cosplay?
My first cosplay as a planned attempt to recreate a character and not just dress up for the Carnival was a wardrobe cosplay of Lust from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

3.- Is cosplay a different way to make friends?
Oh yes! I have made a lot of friends that I would have never met if it wasn’t for cosplay! And I am not talking about people from Greece! Through cosplay I have met some people from abroad and I am glad I made friends wih them!

4.- What is your favorite part of make cosplay?
I think that my favourite part of a cosplay is when everything is finally ready – after so many hours of sewing and making the armor and/or the prop, you finally wear your cosplay for the first time ever. You then look yourself on the mirror and you are the character you tried so hard to become. I think it’s a gret moment for every cosplayer!

5.- How do you choose the character you want to cosplay?
I usually cosplay characters that I absolutely adore. If i play a game or watch an anime/movie and I like the character, I instantly want to become this character!

6.- How many hours spent in your Varian cosplay?
I never counted the hours I spent on Varian but my guess is over a hundred hours. I made all the patterns for everything on my own and I made everything that I wear (dress, tights, gloves, armor, cape, sword). All of the planning and the making took a lot of time and Varian’s armor had crazy details everywhere, so I think it took my about one hundred hours, maybe even more!

7.-Do you make another Alliance character  cosplay before Varian?
Fun fact is that I just started playing WoW. Before that, I had only watched the cinematics and I knew the characters from Heroes of the Storm, so no, I never made an Alliance cosplay before Varian! But now that I subscribed to WoW, maybe more WoW cosplays will come!

8.-What do you think about the “cosplay is not consent”?
This is absolutely true and I agree with it. It is of course okay to ask the cosplayer if they can give you a hug or if you can hug them, but I am against grabbing a cosplayer or touching them in any way they wouldn’t want to be touched by a stranger. 

9.- Who is your favorite cosplayer?
That’s a very difficult question, I have so many I love and follow! First of all, I should mention Kamui Cosplay. She was the first one I followed when I got into cosplay and she got me really inspired to make some of my cosplays. Her videos are always very helpful and her books are amazing! After that, comes Lighting Cosplay, who is very creative and I love her armor and sewing skills so much! She is yet another source of inspiration! Then we have AmenoKitarou ( A. K. Wirru) who has amazing tutorials and is very helpful and Kinpatsu Cosplay who is also very creative and makes badass costumes! Last but not least, Alyson Tabbitha has amazing makeup skills to much her crafting skills and I think she is one of the best! I have many more cosplayers I love, this list never ends!

10.- How do you feel the night  before de convention?
It definitely depends on the state my costume is. If my costume is ready I am relaxed and I just pack everything and get everything ready. If my costume is not done....well, at least, I have energy drinks to keep me awake in order to finish it, hahah xD

11.- What is your most difficult cosplay you do?
So far it was by far Varian, because I had to do so much work and I even learned how to make a parallel circuit so my sword would have lights. It was a very challenging costume to make, but I am glad I made it because it helped me grow as a cosplayer!

12- If you can choose another Alliance character cosplay, who do you choose?
We have a lot of interesting characters in Alliance. Jaina Proudmoore is definitely a very nice choice and I would love to make any version of her. I also love the design of Alleria Windrunner who is the leader of the Void Elves. Last but no least, Tyrande is an interesting character with beautiful designs.

Thank you so much for this interview!

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